wedNESday #9 - Exploring NES Graphics

Posted on Wed 01 May 2024 in nes • Tagged with 6502, nes, python, wedNESday

a long time ago

Playing around with NES graphics can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience. Transitioning from that blank screen to one filled with tiles in a nametable highlights the capabilities and limitations of the platform. It's like a window ready to explode.

Through this post, we might use some terms and …

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wedNESday #8 - A long delay

Posted on Wed 24 April 2024 in nes • Tagged with 6502, nes, python, wedNESday

a long time ago

A Long Time Ago

It's been a while since my last update, and if you've been visiting this page eagerly awaiting news, thank you for your patience. Let's dive right in. Recently, I've been using the "wedNESday" project to thoroughly test NES emulators and improve them.

In a Galaxy Far …

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Double Dragon

Posted on Wed 22 February 2017 in nes • Tagged with nes, double dragon, wedNESday, review

Double Dragon

Not in the mood to code today, so let's play a classic: Double Dragon. It's hard to explain nowadays what a phenomenal game it was back then. So before reviewing the NES version, which I'm going to play, let's first talk about the game’s history.

At the end eighties …

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