
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


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  • generate gh-pages site (fae097b by Guto Maia).

  • generate a javascript version of the spec (68ac9d2 by Guto Maia).

  • py3nes bridge (67f4d03 by Guto Maia).

  • arbne bridge (39677d8 by Guto Maia).

  • pyntendo bridge (ac07265 by Guto Maia).

  • report plugin (e53edbd by Guto Maia).

  • jsnes bridge (1288dd3 by Guto Maia).

  • implement push word in torlus bridge (de3816a by Guto Maia).

  • docs (905f9a3 by Guto Maia).

  • using miniracer to test a javascript 6502CPU (b692d6b by Guto Maia).

Bug Fixes

  • ADC with BCD test spec (2aa39b1 by Guto Maia).

  • cpu cycle checks (472bf2a by Guto Maia).

  • fixes BRK spec logic (17bb88c by Guto Maia).

  • fixes PLP instruction spec (b8c2a63 by Guto Maia).

  • proper using curl on Makefile (6c4c4ca by Guto Maia).

  • hacked PLA instruction to work with torlus 6502.js (5690569 by Guto Maia).

  • PHP instruction tests on torlus 6502.js (4cdba97 by Guto Maia).

v0.0.1 - 2017-09-04

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